May 7, 2009

PROJ60: 其实不想走

So, I came up with this whilst sitting at my favourite spot in my Kollegium, curled up next to the window atop the Freezer, half-listening to my lovely half-drunk Danish neighbours and their emergency room stories about tampons and garden hoses and beer bottles and test-tubes getting stuck in some guy's ass (... okay irrelevant).

Anyway the point is, I ONLY HAVE 60 MORE DAYS HERE. And I won't even be in this wonderful city for all of 60 days, I'll be in Greece, Southern France, London, Roskilde etc. As much as I am terribly excited at the prospect of going home to Singapore (finally seeing everyone again and eating all the shiokalicious food), I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE. And it doesn't help that my very wonderful neighbours nonchalantly tell me to stay for another semester; when they do that, all I want to do is to shout "OF COURSE I WANT TO STAY HERE TOO, IF I COULD!" into their smiling faces. Rahh.

So, one rambly paragraph on, I am getting to the point. I'm going to embark on PROJECT 60 DAYS. Where I'm going to post a single picture, daily, of my life here. Don't know how it'd turn out — after all, all I'm doing these days is sitting in the Law Library, so we'll see how that goes. Maybe I will end up posting back-dated photos, but whatever, it's my project so I can do whatever I want (:




before the boat parties,
the chilled champagne

life keeps tumbling
your heart in circles

al anna carol desiree erik
geri lynn mich mok qing
risse ruo uni zhang

visuals !


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