September 29, 2006

who's the mia one

and there are the days where there's nothing much, just shuttling between gardens and home, alternating between coffee bean and bed. its me, my mac, my crumbling v3, a caramel frappe and my plans which either fall through or which i'm too lazy to adhere to or even make.

these are those days.
(but i'm gonna stop being a hermit)

September 22, 2006

flashing red lights

i dont know if it's because
  1. the crimson tide is about to be due OR
  2. it's closed memo week
that i'm so grumpy.

all i know is, i bite and will throw a tantrum when provoked, even in the slightest way.

so if you're remotely ugly or irksome, stay away.

September 20, 2006

swings and slides

and then she remembers that there are the less-than-perfect days
and that there are things she has to battle on her own.

now please stop getting frustrated because of me. please.

bagels with cream cheese

photos from the picnic we had on tuesday evening ( : courtesy of the boy.

by the lamp hahawe look damn happy ( :

September 18, 2006

polka dots cheer you up

life has been looking up, things have been more than fine and dandy in the past week ( :

rui passed her driving practical test! :D the tester said "girl, your parking is quite weak huh", but tsk what are friends in the back seat for, especially when you're driving them out for supper...

sentosa thereafter to bask in the harmful afternoon sun, where we unexpectedly met familiar persons (ok fine, person) and there was an awkward moment but that was remedied by lemon&lime sorbet and the sudden onset of pouring rain haha.

ben's birthday thingmajig - swings, alcohol and the obligatory silly drinking games (: happy birthday to the old boy, the one who should continue being the ah-beng and stop scaring me with pseudo tenderness.

i could live like this ( :

but then again its monday so its bye-bye to the good weekend and hello to a week of never-ending readings ahead and another closed memo to write, argh!

ihateschoolworkgoawayanddie D:

September 10, 2006

champagne dreams

lovely, get the ice,
because we're popping the champagne <3

September 7, 2006

where everyone speaks with great verbosity

random moments of our daily adventures in law school (: mostly us playing with photobooth, having given up on trying to follow torts. click to enlarge; others can be found here.

me kissing mewhat law school does to youpakwing the alienjgan kt ruiKenneth and me ( :naked lawyers hahawhile sam is making his announcementits a picnic, almost...risse and rui !pink day!the girls ( :while sam is making his announcement

September 2, 2006

what do you make out of it

yesterday was the day I utilised more brain cells drafting up mental mindmaps, over comfort food at bakerzin (we need to go back for dessert) with risse than the pathetic amount of work i put in for my closed memo (which i should also be doing now).

i remember how i spent gp lessons and mornings spent on the grandstands during jc churning out page after page of mindmaps like those. perhaps i should start a scrapbook or something.

yesterday i got a sms saying "wow. the only thing that doesnt change is that everything changes."
i dont know what to make out of it.

i need to eat some chocolate now.



before the boat parties,
the chilled champagne

life keeps tumbling
your heart in circles

al anna carol desiree erik
geri lynn mich mok qing
risse ruo uni zhang

visuals !


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