December 16, 2008

the shock of the lightning

I SLEPT THROUGH AN EARTHQUAKE. Wtf right, like everyone else felt it and there I was, nicely snuggled up, in deep slumber...
From —

A mild earthquake measuring 4.7 on the open Richter scale shook Denmark this morning, with concerned members of the public across the country telephoning police and rescue services.

The quake, which the USGS center in the United States said had its epicentre in southern Sweden, was one of the strongest ever to hit Denmark.

There are no reports of casualties or damage although there were reports of people in some high rise buldings rushing outside as windows and cupboards shook and buildings swayed briefly.

According to the USGS center, the epicenter of the earthquake was some 40 kilometers east of the southern Swedish port of Malmo, and 65 kilometers east of the Danish capital Copenhagen.

Although there are a handful of much smaller tremors in the area each year, these are normally registered only by highly sensitive equipment. A tremor of 4.7 on the Richter scale has only been measured in the region once before, in 1985.

December 9, 2008

whatever gets you through today

(I know this is like what, 3 years late, but....)


Which is just Madness. I spent the entire day (from dawn till dusk, no less) sitting in front of my laptop watching the Entire Season. At 11am, I told Risse, "Okay ONE more episode and I'll get started on work" and then before I knew it, at 3pm, I told her, "You know what, I'm at episode EIGHT now, and I think I'm just going to finish the season hurhur".

I'm overwhelmed by this huge sense of guilt right now. Especially because yesterday's exam didn't go fabulously well, and I have a bad feeling about Thursday's... Pfft. Off to bed. An all-nighter ahead awaits.

December 7, 2008

hope for the hopeless

i finished writing my mediation paper before dinner and i'm meant to be reading my notes on takeovers of companies. but no, i'm not. i want to ramble and manja to people on msn, but everyone's somewhere else. therefore, i'm here. i was going to start reading those notes, i swear. i was even on some sort of high — you know, the sort you get when complete a task and you feel like nothing can stop you now. but it just kinda fizzled out. when i fucking fell back while leaning back on my chair, grabbed hold of my desk to avoid getting a concussion and toppled my entire desk. and of course everything i had on the desk was left sprawled (can you use the word for things, or only humans/animals) on the floor. it's still on the floor. and i'm in the middle of it all.

December 3, 2008

the box inside my head

While trying to make sense of Danish Public Law today....

I skyped my parents (spent 15 minutes discussing, with my brother, the state of our teeth, how gross yes haha), watched a strangely fasinating 8-min long youtube video where a huge-ass Tuna was carefully sliced apart and turned into delicious chunks of Maguro, stuck my head out the window and tried to figure out whether it was snow or sleet falling on Copenhagen, watched an episode of Gossip Girl and another 0f 9210 (sorry, guilty pleasure — watching thrashy American shows during meal times), read more than a few food blogs in the name of researching must-eats in Paris, uploaded photos of us in Vienna onto facebook, munched on cheap unsatisfying sugar-laden chocolate chip cookies and listened to The Section Quartet's cover of Muse's Time is Running Out 65 times.

There really isn't much point to this entry — just didn't feel like going back to reading the minute print on 234082 powerpoint slides about the Danish Constitution. Sigh, guess it's back to (futile attempts at) work!



before the boat parties,
the chilled champagne

life keeps tumbling
your heart in circles

al anna carol desiree erik
geri lynn mich mok qing
risse ruo uni zhang

visuals !


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