August 29, 2006

just a ride its just a ride

It's 12:15am and I'm due to start doing my contract tutorial in 15 minutes' time. But first let me whine! Got my very first assignment back, and ta-da, not a very encouraging start to my legal education. Baahh!

Actually I got over it already, after all, it is but the first assignment! But roar, some people just had to come and made entirely redundant and politically incorrect statements and that got me so peeved. And thus I'm here, reluctant to start doing my tutorial because it all feels so futile! Or perhaps this is just me finding an excuse for my own inertia and laziness.

damn. apparently this is but the start of a downward spiral from 9000m in the sky :/

August 27, 2006

heaven can wait we're only watching the sky

it's 10am and i'm supposed to be at gardens, getting started on work after an unproductive afternoon of work yesterday. think i'll have to get used to the fact that (i quote someone) "the working week never ends; the weekend never comes". damn.

friday night was spent dancing our souls away almost, though i don't think the alcohol got to us. when the four of us were in D's car and singing along to 'forever young'; i thought that was the best part of the night, akin to us lying on the rooftop in passive silence.

on a side note, somehow, with us, wardrobe malfunctions always occur, but whose fault is it, when we choose our own clothes and such revealing ones at that, haha.

yesterday night was spent in the same area - shisha with al and kenny. the mood wasnt fabulous due to our states of being and chosen topics of conversation. i still dont understand why kenny you say im your eighth sin, but thank you for sending me home nonetheless.

(i quote) on the other front, i enjoy making certain people throw away their aspirations of becoming dark and broody and smiling more (:

August 24, 2006

everything and nothing to hold on to

i think we need to get our minds and hearts to to be less flighty and to start settling down. school yesterday was more of hanging out than learning, though i'm sure we learn new things either way.

sneaking glances at people in the study room in between attempts to do the lawr tutorial, hilarious three-way msn conversations with D and R, watching the oc together at 7.30pm, five star chicken rice for the wounded souls and eventually the four of us having baileys on my rooftop, talking nonsense and stoning to kings of convenience in a comfortable silence. i eventually fell asleep lying on the concrete floor.

i heard something i shouldn't have. i'm sorry. and damnit, because the knowledge didnt make the night any better for us.

August 20, 2006

sail away, for this land bores us

o fade away! just continue fading away!
the way things seem to be wickedly and coincidentally going down a certain path, it almost feels like life's making a mockery out of us. ha, us.

* * *
as you can probably tell, yesterday just wasn't quite fantastic.

August 17, 2006

pass me some time

feels like the end of a very long week though it is only thursday -

from last night's dancing at the overcrowded zouk/phuture, from being a social butterfly this first week of school, from worrying about yet-to-be-completed law readings, from late night/early morning bare-all conversations, from emotional dealings.

was cheery at the start of the week. really, it was a nice start to university life. but now that things have set in, things have gotten a bit heavier.

am supposed to start reading graphic novels and start watching the oc dvds that were borrowed from D, but oh well, we've got to find the time.

August 13, 2006

somewhere a clock is ticking

Eight months is a long time. School's starting tomorrow and here we are, at the last few hours of this extended holiday. Do you not wonder how have we changed in these past eight months and how will we change in the next eight?

* * *

After staying up the whole night getting our faces painted and our hair done, after a midnight feast of pizza (haiku reference - "cheryl eats pizza / like a hippo on steriods / patrick not happy"), after futile attempts to sleep on the plank-covered track at 4am in the morning, after putting on lipstick in the dark with only mobile phone lighting,

After 3 occasions of ordering almost 100 bucks worth macdees for supper/breakfast after going through full run after full run, after countless amusing experiments with social dynamics, after those sleepovers (during which we never slept much) when we camped it out in the stinky law lounge on the bed-bug infested sofas, after 4am conversations about less-than-perfect lives, flexible moral standards and common peeves, after watching the boys play soccer in the moot court topless, after literature-centered conversations followed by frivolous top5 discussions, after skipping and singing songs ranging from coldplay to national day songs to chinese oldies to army songs out loud en route to temasek hall to shower in the dead of the night,

After getting bruises all over your torso and yourself kicked in the groin thanks to your "sex tonight" partner, after getting your hair pulled as she attempted to avoid a crash landing, after discoveries of our inabilities to sew (for most), after looking ridiculous during smile exercises where we would sit down and all flash our most gay smile at each other, after holding hands and visualising the entire dance as one entity,

Four weeks of rehearsals culminated to a near-brilliant performance.
The three-tier went up, the shoulder stands were superbly stable, the sex tonight stunts were never more on time and the smiles were at their most genuine and most charming.

There just aint no better way to bond ( : We just have to keep at it.

August 8, 2006

things are looking up

Watching TheLakeHouse which I hated (but J liked) the ending of, sitting on plastic chairs in front of lido, dimsum at 3am, attempting (but failing) to go tranny-spotting at orchard towers, taking the first bus home, dozing off in relative comfort,

My weekend didn't turn out too bad after all.

* * *

So today we attended the Law Faculty's Inauguration Ceremony. Well, wasn't much of a ceremony, if you consider the fact that the Bukit Timah Campus is still in the midst of construction and that drilling could be heard in the background during the Dean's speech. Ha but it was a nice occasion still, to see everyone dress up in formal b&w ensembles. Should have taken pictures because everyone looked pretty nice ( :

School starts officially next week and welll, up till now, all we've got planned are non-academic related activities. Shopping trips over the weekend, dress day where we'll go some place nice just so to dress up, picnics at the quadrangle/botanical gardens in the late afternoons, wongkarwai movie marathons, monthly foodie excursions... Life ahead does sound quite exciting, but then again, we forgot about the studying. Wait, maybe we could camp out at random starbucks to study or something ( :

I think I'm getting a sore throat. Damn. And I burnt the tip of my nail while trying to light candles on the awfully chocolate birthday cakes : /

But life ain't that bad these days ( : I think we're on our way to smoothing out the kinks. And I'm learning how to deal, I daresay, quite well.

August 1, 2006

of viceroy and virgina slims

In point form again because life is just so many things happening at the same time.

  1. I bought my macbook! ( : It's ironic though, that I'm typing this on my desktop instead of on that lovely white thing ha. Can't you just imagine us sitting at starbucks, fingers happily tapping away and churning out pages and pages of beautiful thoughtful prose (though I have a feeling it'll probably be thrashy law papers ha). Damnit I need to stop gushing, its effing bimbo lah but oh well, such love!

  2. It's 2:14am (shouldn't have had that teh tarik) and I'm supposed to be packing for rag camp but I'm (1) blogging about absolutely frivolous things, (2) writing a letter to you that you may or may not receive eventually (3) browsing through and lemming after a tee that very aptly says "Procrastinators - leaders of tomorrow".

  3. There's so much that I want to say, but somehow, my attempts to explain sound more like lameass excuses/justifications. Perhaps they all are. Why do I even bother anyway; even if you understood (and I know you do), you would never admit to them anyway. But I think I will still mail the letter to you. Fuck. I'm sorry. Really.

  4. I want to watch The Lake House. I think everyone should watch it; even if the concept seems near-impossible, but oh well, I think we all need some good ol' romance in our lives. The uncomplicated sort where everything just falls into place, the sort we'll never quite find in our lives.

  5. "More than anything I want to see you go
    Take a glorious bite out of the whole world"
    Snow Patrol - You Could Be Happy

  6. I think we need more photos hmm.



before the boat parties,
the chilled champagne

life keeps tumbling
your heart in circles

al anna carol desiree erik
geri lynn mich mok qing
risse ruo uni zhang

visuals !


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