begonia skies like a sleepyhead
Concrete proof that Glenda is going mad — utterly random drawing of links between totally unrelated things... Note her triumphant "HAHAHA" at the end.
9:34:33 PM djg: Since we broke up, I wake each night at 3:14 am. Did we have mind-blowing sex once at 3:14 am, or is that just what I wish I was waking up to now?
9:57:31 PM djg.: MAYBE THIS IS WHY you woke at 7:__am three days in a row!!!!
10:25:36 PM rui, it's just love, give it away.: huh? haha im confused :/
10:26:06 PM djg.: thats on dearoldlove haha. michelle told me to go read. then i saw that post. and then i remember how you told me you woke at 7:xx am for three days in a row!
10:26:10 PM rui, it's just love, give it away.: oh. i thought you were randomly spamming...
10:26:30 PM rui, it's just love, give it away.: hahaha HMMMMM.
10:26:34 PM djg.: i found your reason. HAHAHA.
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