March 29, 2009

loop duplicate my heart

And it's bigger than everything i have ever done before / I've found a reason for staying home tonight / Just by myself tonight - all by myself / I'm gonna loop duplicate my heart into a million songs / AND IT'S BIGGER THAN EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER DONE BEFOREEEEE.

On a whim, we went crossed the bridge to Malmö, to catch Swedish twee pop band, Suburban Kids with Biblical Names! The day was perfect — we spent it trying on 342063 pairs of jeans at Weekday, sitting in Wayne's Cafe sipping giant mugs of coffee and giant pieces of chocolate-coated meringue, and ending the night talking to Swedish boys who asked us, "Why did you come to Sweden to party with Ugly Swedish People?" (:

Oh, but that was not the end of the night. The end of the night came only after a fire alarm went off in Egmont, and the whole kollegium evacuated. So the night ended, at 0545h, in the yard where everyone gathered to watch the firemen arrive in record time. Some in various states of undress after being rudely awakened, others in fancy dress after having their Ibiza-themed party abruptly interrupted... And I, in typical Singaporean fashion, and most stupidly, in just FBTs and a pullover, shivering in the relentless wind. Thank god there was no raging fire, it was probably some drunk Danish dude smoking weed in his room (who's probably going to be slapped with a €400 fine for the false alarm). But anyway, the real end of the night came when the sky was turning light and we finally went to bed (:



before the boat parties,
the chilled champagne

life keeps tumbling
your heart in circles

al anna carol desiree erik
geri lynn mich mok qing
risse ruo uni zhang

visuals !


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