January 24, 2008

cut our bodies free from the tethers, this brand new colony

somewhere in the middle of 2006, in august i reckon, at the start of year one of law school, i resolved to be less flighty. emotionally, i think i did succeed in becoming less flightly, commitment wise, relationship-wise (maybe overdid it even, at certain points in time.

so, erm, riding on the wave of success (its not too late for new year resolutions, is it), this year, in 2008, i resolve to learn to be/stay Happy, Alone.

this year, i intend to become strong.
in my bid to, i resolve not to tolerate any nonsense from any boy anymore. or at least, i will put up a fervent fight. before i allow myself to be swept off my feet. plant those feet firmly on the ground, woman. no more twentyohsevenish ridiculousness.

some people have got to realise some things.



before the boat parties,
the chilled champagne

life keeps tumbling
your heart in circles

al anna carol desiree erik
geri lynn mich mok qing
risse ruo uni zhang

visuals !


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