May 5, 2006

independent woman

But yes, I feel like I don't know how to write anyone. Let's not even talking about interesting, how about coherantly for a start. It’s not like there’s nothing to write about, there is so much (too much?) happening! But I open up this MS Word document and after typing a few lines I get this strong urge to just hold the backspace key and delete everything. Langugage seems to be failing me these days; the way they fail to convey my powerful waves of emotions. Ah, then again, I think it's just my lacklustre linguistic skills : I want to write about nostalgia, about frustration, about poignance but it seems like my writing doesn’t even seem to justify the richness of them all and even undermines them!

On a completely unrelated note, I have been arranged to meet the PSC psychologist tomorrow which is kinda exciting yet intimidating at the same time. I'm all for self-discovery do I really want someone to read me like an open book..? And then there's of course the conflict - the truth or the white lies? But the fact that the appointment is 2 hours long probably means that my line of defence will probably be broken down or something, tsk the cunning fellas haha.

Oh and yesterday my students handed me a handful of bougainvillea plucked from the corridors ( :



before the boat parties,
the chilled champagne

life keeps tumbling
your heart in circles

al anna carol desiree erik
geri lynn mich mok qing
risse ruo uni zhang

visuals !


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